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The Attention Deficit Disorder Thread

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by J3scribe, Apr 25, 2008.


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  1. Arrowflash

    Arrowflash 15 Year Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Isn't it a definition for island that prevent that from happening?

    Wow I didn't think Sweden had the lshort amount of people. But to me that is a good thing.
  2. Flippy

    Flippy Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15 Year Member Power Poster Phun Award Holder

    Sep 14, 2008
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    We have a lot of open space in the north part of oue country that isnt inhabited by people.
  3. Arrowflash

    Arrowflash 15 Year Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Somewhere in this thread I use Earth as a spaceship, or something like that.

    I have this theory that the Universe is a body, and our body is a Universe.
  4. Arrowflash

    Arrowflash 15 Year Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Yes but even then, is still pretty low in habitants, Sweden is not big but it should be able to handle more. However I wish my city had much less. More people means more competition less job opportunities, and less opportunities for other species to have a home.
  5. Flippy

    Flippy Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15 Year Member Power Poster Phun Award Holder

    Sep 14, 2008
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    i remember that Brazil earlier had an campaign to get people to move inland from the cities near the ocean. But it didnt turn out as well as they wanted. People didnt want to move.
  6. Flippy

    Flippy Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15 Year Member Power Poster Phun Award Holder

    Sep 14, 2008
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    goodnight. :bye:
  7. Biscuit666

    Biscuit666 Guest

    I don't want to. She's hot but fucking scary. :/
  8. Biscuit666

    Biscuit666 Guest

    Oh and my trousers are off now miss boobies. :D
    yayboobies and brothergrims like this.
  9. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    youve made a wise choice biscuit.
  10. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    a friend of mine just posted this on her facebook
    she is gay.

    so let me get this straight, Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Kelsey Grammer can end a 15 year relationship over the phone, Larry King can be on divorce #9, Brittany Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were sleeping with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really?
  11. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Wasn't there a big debate about this here a few years ago?
  12. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    yes, the republicans (well call them the corporation) have been for about four or five years now trying to roll back the rights that same sex couples have. but the only argument they have is that it will ruin the "sanctity of marriage" what ever that is. here is a little side effect of that you may enjoy, for years i refused to get married. my argument was that it was nothing more than me informing the IRS i would like to file jointly. Marriage is wrapped in religious ceremony. and i was not at all religious, it makes breaking up a huge life altering hassle that involves lawyers and courts. Nothing i wanted anything to do with. but the side effect was that i couldnt carry my live in girlfriend on my insurance because we were not married, never mind i had lived with her for two years. and now it gets worse, if i was living with her i couldnt go see in her the hospital. the reason? becouse the government recognizes the ceremony of marriage as a binding contract. And it uses this religious ceremony to identify proper couples. its always been a bit of a grind for me becouse if i had my way i wouldn't be married today.
    i hate attaching myself to someone legally and being responsible for everything they do. i hate the fact that if i get sick of that person becouse they refuse to do anything i want, like, or even need, i have to go through a god awful divorce. i hate the government involved in my personal romance its ludicrous. And to boot, the frosting on the cake is that the group that says they want to PRESERVE marriage as a bond between a man and a woman, the group that is so hell bent on making it imposable for me to have a mate without this god awful arraingment is the same group that is standing in washington right now screaming at the top of there lungs, "get govement out of our lives. make it smaller and less effective"

    ill let that sink in a bit.

    ok so you wondering how this paradox stands without anybody but me noticing. well its simple jack, its not people that are running that group, see the corporations have there own agenda, they want smaller government because then there is less oversight and less inspectors and such, but they use the marriage thing to get the people on board, if the republicans presented there real plan witch is wipe our Medicare and social security so the corporations dont have to pay tax on that anymore, and wipe out the EPA ( that is the environmental agency that insures corporations live within the guidelines of what the laws have set forth as far as pollution.) Cutting this department 100% is part of the 61 billion dollar tax cut being floated by the corporation in Washington right now. and basically making it very damn difficult for us to enforce any regulation over them at all.

    now lets see there Utopian at work, right now the earth is just recovering from a financial meltdown that was created by lack of oversight and regulations. it doesn't matter what else happened, this much is agreed to by at least 90 percent of anyone that knows anything. Lake of regulations that used to be on the books were removed and all hell broke loose. but they want to get ride of more regulations. they want to be able to run the ship with no captain there argument is that corporations can police themselves. now we've had this in practice over the years. thats why we have all those pesky regulations and laws on the books. becouse at some point along the way, some dumb fuck fucked the entire thing up and we had to pass a law to make sure it didnt happen again

    some of those laws were created to give the EPA the ability to police and do there job. if we didnt need them then we dont need the multi billion dollar clean up fund called the "SuperFund" that was created to clean up corporate chemical cesspools. How bad are some of the "Superfund" area, well google it, in some cases entire towns have been bought out and evacuated due to poison being pumped in by the corporation

    so yea, we had a bit of conversation about that, and its getting traction. and these are the people taht are currently winning in offices all over the country. And if it keeps up im coming to stay with you.


    by the way, i think i just completely fucked up my life, but im not sure. I feel sick about it and i think im not going t sleep very well tonight. woops.
    i dont think i should have done that after all.
  13. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I don't know enough about US insurance and medicare stuff to really comment on how the government views marriage.

    As far as the republican party winning in the offices.....it's just proof that 90% of the world are idiots....and that's the majority so it doesn't matter who is right or wrong because that's the majority.
    The best way to live in this world I think is to live away from all this bullshit, live a nice quiet peaceful life...that's where happiness is.

    As far as how you fucked up your life, I won't ask because I'm guessing it's personal but if you ever want to talk you can always contact me. :hug:
    A.tab likes this.
  14. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    thanks dood, im still reeling from it. i just dont know how bad the explosion is going to be and what the fall out is.
    ill let you know i always do in my own little way.

    and yes, that is a great way to live, i wish i could but i cant.
    like a moth to a flame i have no choice in these matters.
  15. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Yeah, I know...I can't really live that way either....I hope things end up okay for you!
  16. LiquidVapors

    LiquidVapors Lawyers, Guns And Money ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Ten Years of Phun

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Greetings UNI Bomber.............
    brothergrims and Jack Tripper like this.
  17. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  18. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  19. yayboobies

    yayboobies ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

    Mar 18, 2010
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    It's off, sir. They are off. :p
  20. Biscuit666

    Biscuit666 Guest

    Fixed miss. Can we have sex now please?
    yayboobies likes this.
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