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Katy Perry Naked: Singer Doing Everything She Can To Vote For Hillary, HQ, Twitter

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by mistify, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Ryan's a loser and practically a Democrat. He's likely voting for Hillary. He wants open borders so his globalist buddies can export jobs. No Republicans outside of his home state like him. Hopefully he gets hit by a real bus soon.
  2. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Speaking of buses, Trump, and grabbing bush (not Billy).... He really wants to lose doesn't he? At his Gettysburg address today he said he's going to sue all of his female accusers. He can't go a day without a negative news cycle. True or not, you rise above it. Deny it all you want. Let the obvious women surrogates and spokespersons, you might pay, to deny and deride for you. But under no circumstances threaten 10 different women because your male ego can't take a woman making you look bad. The fact everyone must be telling him it appears he's losing to a woman must be like shoving bamboo under his fingernails. By all means Mr. Trump, energize the female vote in the country. The numbers afterwards should be....illuminating. I'm sure Hillary can't wipe the creepy grin from her face.

    SNL tonight should be a blast...can't wait for the tweet storm...:p
  3. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    Uh, no. It's hers until she dies, regardless. By claiming the rights of the unborn supersede the rights of the living, then you're turning that woman into a second-class citizen once she gets pregnant. You're telling her, "Shut up honey. For the next 9 months you're nothing more than an incubator." Fuck that. And typical of advocates for the unborn, they tend to not give a rat's ass about the kids once they've been born, even when they're born into the worst possible situations, which gives lie to the fact that those advocates are anything but Pro-Life. Fucking control freaks. So I have no problem with murdering the unborn. Humans aren't divine. We don't have god given rights and childbirth is not a "miracle." Women should have unrestricted control over what happens to their bodies. Men have that right, and equal rights is the law of the land.
    9 people like this.
  4. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    To force someone to have a baby that doesn't want one is the most ridiculous thing. Parenting does strike me as being the best when its done half heartedly or with zero care at all.

    I would rather have abortions be mandatory until proof of capability to be a fit parent is proven then to have abortions become illegal.
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  5. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Birth control, sex-ed, reproductive health, relationship classes, parenting classes...things that would benefit may people who are active and don't want any unintended results, but it happens. All that sounds great right.... If the republicans got their way Planned Parenthood would be a thing of the past....one more reason many women won't be voting for Donnie.
  6. nutting in your anus

    nutting in your anus

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Planning on "taking your country back"? :thinks1:
  7. newl

    newl BANNED

    Nov 24, 2013
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    the amount of total BUFFOONS is baffling. brainwashed idiots, you are. yes BRAINWASHED.

    to completely ignore mountains of evidence of pure evil. just because the f'd up media would rather talk about sex talk behind closed doors secretly recorded 12 years ago (that has absolutely no impact on anything) only to vote for a woman who STOLE millions of dollars, and TOOK millions of dollars from countries wheres its LEGAL for men to beat and rape their wives.
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  8. zeusaphone


    Oct 5, 2010
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    Hillary Clinton is awful. Unfortunately, the Republicans have not given us a viable alternative. I'm voting for Gary Johnson. He is an honest person, which is more than I can say for either larger party candidate. That more than makes up for his lack of international knowledge.
    1 person likes this.
  9. nutting in your anus

    nutting in your anus

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Its legal for men to rape women in America too, as long as you're a star. You'll be voting for one of these men to run the country in a couple weeks :usa2:
  10. nutting in your anus

    nutting in your anus

    Sep 2, 2015
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    The average 5th grader is pretty honest too, and most of them can name more world leaders than Gary Johnson, who can name zero.

    Unfortunately I just have this weird thing where I believe the president of the United States should be smarter than a 5th grader :shrug:
    2 people like this.
  11. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Welcome to the age of reality TV where the average attention span and deep thinking matches that of the aforementioned 5th grader. Trump's been running his campaign like it was a reality show so he and his cult of followers shouldn't bitch when he loads up the news cycle with the BS that he comes out with every day. Today is a perfect example, refer back to my previous post from today.

    What "conservatives" don't want to admit is that "mountain of evidence" only matters in the court of public opinion and even then it is tainted. Anything from WikiLeaks will only matter to those who want to believe it because of the way it was hacked, who hacked it, and the possibility of doctoring. Oh, and please think for yourself. "Pure evil"....really? If any of your STOLE and TOOK accusations came from The Donald himself from his stump and debate rhetoric in the last week or so, most of that has been debunked three ways to next Sunday. Never take what either side says as gospel, do a little research, otherwise you're just one of the sheeple.

    To get back to Katy, I give you this....
    Guess who he's voting for....
  12. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    To believe that everything coming out of Wilileaks is fake or bogus because it was "hacked" is foolhardy. Wikileaks even insinuated it wasn't hacked and it came from an inside source. Hillary and Podesta didn't even deny their authenticity. Besides, the time and manpower to doctor thousands of emails would be ridiculous. You are blatantly disregarding the truth revealed in these emails even when they correspond and line up with outside facts that we already knew were true. And if, in fact, these emails only matter in a court of public opinion then that should frighten you..... That people in positions of power are not beholden to the law. If Hillary or any other elected official doesn't have to follow the law, then what happens when she or another politician starts arresting American citizens that disagree with them politically. And don't tell me that can't happen because apparently some people are above the law and the little people like us will eventually pay the price. If not from Hillary, then from someone else later on.
  13. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    You have a misogynistic, race batting, fickle, tiny handed clown running on the Republican side, and a corrupt, hawkish, self serving liar running on the Dem side. Compared to those being an idiot isn't that bad.
  14. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    You keep saying that the Wikileaks are false and that really doesn't make any sense at all. Based on your past posts I thought you were more on a critical thinker. Currently all the dems and Clinton supports are pretty much putting their fingers in their ears and screaming "lalalala can't hear you, lalalala RUSSIA lalalalala", which is just ridiculous.

    Honestly there is a better argument to be made in saying that there isn't much to be seen in the e-mails and documents. So far they have mostly just confirmed what people already know/assumed about her, there has not been any "grab em by the pussy" type revelation. Her Wall Street speeches confirmed that she has cozy relationship with the banks and will most likely not go after them nor bring back Glass-Steagall. Despite all of that you can still make a good argument in saying that Trump is worse. Personally, I'm not sure if I would agree but at least that's a discussion to be had.
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  15. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I didn't say the leaks were false, I basically said they are tainted and can't be trusted unless verified or collaborated. So from a gotcha perspective they can be dismissed, denied, or ignored by the Dems. No, you're correct, what is being "revealed" amounts to a "So? What's your point?" and that is what I'm saying....so what? We already know Hillary is first, foremost...and last a politician.

    The Republicans have been wasting millions on years of partisan investigations, committees, and hearings to discredit Hillary because they knew in three years she would be the Democratic candidate, and came up with squat. So they are grasping at whatever they can. Trump and his surrogates keep throwing BS accusations right and left (pun intended) hoping something will stick, and knowing his base will eat it up and repeat it without thinking. I would hope people would be a little more concerned with Russia practicing a little cyber regime change on America than the sausage making in political campaigns, but you know how it goes. Can't wait for those Trump Foundation and Paul Ryan leaks coming out next week.

    I don't really have to say anything about Trump. The only arguments for him anyone seems to default to is...he's not establishment and he's not Hillary. The right has been well programmed. So far the only real October surprises have been all on Trump...the gift that keeps giving.

    It's late, sorry if I rambled, watching SNL at the same time, and they're right, the world is laughing at Trump. I hope the joke is not on all of us on the 8th.
  16. mistify

    mistify ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Nov 26, 2012
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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  17. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    They aren't tainted. Wikileaks has a 100% accurate track record, they have never published a false document. If there really were fakes here Dems would be pointing at e-mails and going "that's false", "that's fake, I never sent that", but they aren't, they just vaguely keep muddying the waters saying that some could possibly be fakes. It's a diversion, and it's always been a diversion. They want to switch from the actual contents of the e-mails to vague paranoia about Russia. They do it every time, you can watch any Dem interview, or read any article and every time they are asked about the leaks they pivot to Russia. The Danna Brazil interview with Megan Kelly is a classic example of that.

    Moving on to Russia. There is still no proper evidence to say that this was Russia. It is almost impossible to say with 100% certainty who was behind the hack. Basing it on the code or malware used isn't very accurate because even if a particular malware is common amongst Russian hackers, they don't exactly copywrite it and it's freely available for other hackers to see or use. Take the Sony hack for example, US says it was North Korea but experts in the field don't believe it was. Blindly believing what the Government says in these matters without the slightest bit of critical thing is dangerous. Let's not forget what happened when the Government told us that there were WMDs in Iraq; that was just a convenient lie for Bush to invade the Middle East, just like this is most likely a convenient lie for Clinton to win the election.

    Honestly, it's the sort of thing that breaks down even under the slightest bit of critique. It's not easy to identify hacks, especially if they don't want to be found, it can take weeks and months even of trying to figure out where the leaks came from or how the system was compromised. The DNC has 1000s of employees, 1000s of members, several different offices, etc. etc. To find out where the hack came from you would have to check all of their phones, all of your office Computers, all the internal systems and wi-fi networks, you'd have to check the network serves and tons of other things. Of course, that is assuming that there even was a hack, it could very well have been a Snowden type leak. Somebody with access to the information, for whatever reason, simply leaked it to Wikileaks.To figure that out they would probably have to question their staff about it, review security tapes etc. All that takes time. Yet, the Clinton Camp said it was Russia less than 24 hours after the DNC leak. Not only that, they said it was Russia without providing any proof what so ever. All that was said was "experts are telling us it was Russia".

    Since that time they have used Russia to avoid answering questions about the leaks and have used it to attack Trump. They are not treating this as a legitimate threat to the nation, instead it's just a go-to excuse for them. If this was a real attack they would not be acting this way. If Russia did really hack the USA then it is pretty much an act of war. Say what you will about Putin, but he's not stupid enough to openly declare war on the US for no reason. And similarly, it's totally reckless for the US to publicly accuse Russia with the only evidence being "experts tell me so". It's really not the type of thing you want to blurt out in a CNN interview.
    In-fact, you might not want to publicly accuse Russia at all because it would stir up Cold War hysteria in the US just like it has now. Last week, or the week before that the White House actually said it was going to attack Russia. If they were actually going to attack Russia, they would not be announcing it, the only reason to announce it would be to give the appearance of doing something.

    Let's not forget though that Putin is a paranoid wacko, you really don't need much to set him off. And sure enough, he has viewed all this as a form of aggression and is preparing for war....or at least wants to appear that he is.

    Also, is Russia currently worse than ISIS?

    ISIS - Carried out attacks on the US. Carried out attacks on US's allies. Openly threatened to carry out more vicious attacks.

    Russia - Alleged hacking.

    When Trump screams about ISIS and how we are under attack from Radical Islam, Dems label that as "hate speech".

    But when Dems scream about Russia...it's okay?

    More questions about Russia:

    Can you explain to me why Russia suddenly wants to declare cyberwar on the US? And, of all the things they could have gone after, the White House, any number of Government offices, the power grid, public services, Obama, etc, etc. They target Clinton and her organisation alone?

    And please don't tell me it's because Putin wants to elect Trump who is his puppet. That makes no sense at all.

    To go via that route Putin plan had to have been: I'm going to try to manipulate the US elections by betting on this orange reality TV star in the hopes that he says enough crazy things to have 24/7 media coverage and appeals to the deep, raciest sentiments within the US, so that he manages rally all the idiots behind him and then beat out 16 other GOP candidates in the primaries, and overthrow the GOP establishment who will try to stop him. At the same time, I have to hope that Clinton will beat out her rivals during the primaries and emerge as the nominee because I don't have any dirt on Sanders, and my puppet Trump will lose against Sanders.
    Then, I have to hope that Trump's bullshit driven campaign will be able to maneuver through the tricky maze of donors, media, politics, supports, etc, etc. At which point I will employ my state hackers to hack into Clinton's campaign and the DNC and steal all the dirt from there, assuming of course that there is dirt, and expose it to the public via Wikileaks. While at the same time I need to make sure that my bro Trump preps for his debates, and doesn't Tweet nonsense at 3:00am and doesn't get destroyed by his past of pussy grabbing and other perverted shit. Then, after winning the election I will use Trump to do my bidding, even though I know that every eye in the world is going to be on Trump and that Trump is a volatile 5 year old who could expose my whole plot with a single Tweet.

    ^^That sounds even more ridiculous than Lex's plan from Batman vs. Superman.

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  18. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    That was a long post. :lol:
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  19. newl

    newl BANNED

    Nov 24, 2013
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    finally someone who is paying attention. to something other than CNN(clinton news network)
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  20. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    No, the emails by Shillary are pretty damning (as are the ones by other Democrats like Donna Brazile who emailed questions from the CNN debate to Shillary before the debate). However, so are the video and audios of Drumpf where he admits to going backstage to the dressing room of his Miss American and Miss Teen USA pageants to watch the 15 year olds and women get dressed or how he is a complete sexual predator that "grabs them by the pussy". When you have two candidates that are both extremely deplorable, then it comes down to: Who is more suited at leading a country. And, that is, especially after the 3rd debate on Wednesday, hands-down Shillary. We know that she is capable due to her vast political experience (which is also damning I might add) and her demeanor and statements during these debates.

    Drumpf has proven that he is a petulant child who creates scapegoats when he knows he is going to lose and attacks the people that don't give what he wants (Paul Ryan and the other GOP politicians that rightfully abandoned him). In fact, he's planning on taking down all those GOP politicians that abandoned him down with him in his burning and sinking ship. Then there's the issue of him having not one actual policy decision because he NEVER expands on any of his policies when asked about them. And, there's also the fact that Putin is meddling in American politics to try and help Drumpf to win this election because Putin knows he can manipulate Drumpf far more than he can manipulate Shillary.

    As to Johnson, he's a moron who can't name one foreign leader off his head. To add to that, I would've forgiven him about the Aleppo issue if he learned after the first time what Aleppo was and what is happening in Syria when asked the SECOND time on the exact same question. Yet, he didn't and still had no clue about Syria. He has no foreign policies what-so-ever... and his fiscal policies amount to shutting down the government (as with all Libertarians). He's a loser and the only reason he got as many votes in the polls is because it's Drumpf v. Shillary.

    As to Stein, it's sad that she hasn't gotten the same amount of coverage as the other three... but it's explainable. If she had more coverage, then she becomes an even bigger threat to defeat Shillary, just like Sanders. That's why the mainstream media has blocked her at every turn to keep her exposure to a minimum. They want Shillary to win. So, if she had more exposure and had a bigger chance to potentially win this election, I would've voted for her. However, she doesn't, so it comes down to the lesser of the two evils. I would rather see Shillary's evil in office rather than Drumpf's evil in office.
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