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Katy Perry Naked: Singer Doing Everything She Can To Vote For Hillary, HQ, Twitter

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by mistify, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Jordan has been doing great coverage on the leaks, much better than the media who still go on with the "there is nothing to see in the e-mails" lie. His channel just hit a 100k yesterday.
  2. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I might care more about these leaks if there was something more that standard political maneuvering, and if we were seeing Trump and GOP leaks as well, instead of the obvious attack on the Clinton campaign. You know the right is just as dirty, if not more so...this last week as example. With Comeygate, just like with Gropergate, the leaks are getting about 5% of any cycles news coverage, and without something truly shocking, have lost their notoriety. They should have released all of the hacks in two or three batches....now it's more like a eye roll for anybody but the right when you hear..."another batch released today".... I just tune it out.
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  3. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    First, we get enough of Trump from seeing his twitter rants, his leaked interviews, his past business actions and failures, and his own speeches to know how much of a deplorable individual he truly is. Emails would not improve or destroy his image. About the only thing that would tarnish his image even further is if Putin came out himself and said "Trump paid me and my country to hack the DNC emails so he could win him the election."

    However, I agree with the GOP. But, some of the GOP are to stupid that they end up blurting out their own tactics, like Bill Hemmer of FOX Propaganda admitting that it's a good thing for Republicans if blacks don't vote. Every Liberal and many Independents already knew that the GOP dislikes black and hispanic voters because they vote almost always against Republicans. That is why the GOP gerrymanders districts and suppresses black voters via voter ID laws (It's already been proven in multiple court cases that these "laws" are used for that sole purpose as there is less than a 0.00001% proven voter fraud cases to actual votes.) In fact, vast majority of voter fraud is perpetuated by the GOP through these voter suppression tactics.

    However, as to Shillary, the reason her emails are interesting is because the Clinton's are extremely secretive and compartmentalized about their political actions under the table. These emails have been faaaar more damning than anything that people have suspected that she has done. However, it also has shed light onto how much actual corruption is present in the DNC.
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  4. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Podeseta e-mails have revealed a lot. You may call it "standard political maneuvering" but the real term for it is corruption. You can't really justify that by saying Trump is worse. Yeah Trump/GOP is worse but that doesn't make this okay. You can't let a thief get away just because there is a murder next door. That logic doesn't add up.

    Also, there is actual illegal behavior shown in the e-mails, such as coordination with her superpacks during the primaries.
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  5. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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  6. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  7. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    I agree. Both of these candidates are deplorable and corrupt in their own way. In fact, either one of them could easily face impeachment proceedings based on their past actions. Shillary potentially with her actions denoted in her emails and potentially with Pay 2 Play actions of the Clinton Foundation. Drumpf with the sheer amount of issues of him being a sexual predator, whatever else he is hiding with his tax returns, his connections with Putin and Russia, and any actions he may commit while in office. Then, that would come down to the VP picks as they would become President. I view Kaine in a more favorable light than, I-want-to-be-in-every-woman's-uterus-and-continue-gay-and-transexual-hatred Pence.
  8. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    At this point I would be surprised if either Trump or Clinton served their full term.

    You're right about VPs though, Kaine is better, although I have a lot of doubts about that situation as well. He shares a lot of the same views that Clinton does, which is of course why she picked him, and from what I have seen of him, he doesn't really have a lot of leadership qualities. So, if he does become president, he'll mostly be a puppet with the Dem establishment pulling the strings from the back.

    I hate Pence and his anti-gay, conservative nonsense as well.
  9. riveron


    May 16, 2011
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    hillary is the poison fruit, everybody associated with her is tainted, wassermen-schultz, palmieri, brazile, abedin, mills, podesta, mook, blumenthal, it's like a crazy version of complicated tentacle porn, literally nobody is unscathed in her rabid foaming of the mouth desire to be president; and they all openly lie against all odds to cameras everyday to protect this not-so-special person, when they could have nominated a dozen other people

    good lord imagine the mess washington dc will be when she's elected

    power, truly corrupts, absolutely
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  10. Lefty11


    Jul 3, 2012
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    Every word I said was my own, while you wrote paragraphs taken directly from media hacks. I thought you were Don Lemon for a secong.
    A businessman saves money wherever he can. Blame the trade deals for the price of steel, not the workers. See? Logic 101.
    He enouraged Russia? Lol, I think Hillary's reset and selling of uranium to Russia encouraged them. "Blame The Russians"
    Attacks minorities? How? There is an insane illegal immigrant problem in this country. Fact, not racist. Some of thes people are incredibly violent criminals. Fact. This is not 1950. there aren't enough jobs for American citizens let alone illegals. Our economy can't afford to put millions of undocumenteds on medicare every year. Many Muslims support Sharia law and unless you really know what that means, don't even talk to me about radical islamic terrorism or islamophobia.
    Bush is as bad as Obama. That entire oil baron family is wicked. Bush Jr started this mess in the Middle East with Saudia Arabia's help. Trump has no comparison anyway.
    Would you pay taxes that you didn't have to? Neither did Trump or all of Hillary's billinaire donors who also took advantage of those LAWS. Everything else you said was blah blah blah. Must be dizzy up there on your high horse!
    Alex Jones is a nut, but on target 80 % of the time, as history has proven.
    You got him on the casino's. Wow, huuuuge, lol
    I'll be glad to shoot down any other nonsense you want to direct at me.
    2 people like this.
  11. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    Lefty11, clearly you are so deluded with your hate of Shillary and you wallow in your love of Drumpf that you won't see reality. Vast majority of what you said was nothing but propaganda that is spewed forth by FOX Propaganda and Alex Jones (you even sound insane like Jones). But, I will try and then cut you off.

    First, you claimed that Drumpf loved his country, then I countered that he bought steel from China instead of the USA. That shows that he doesn't really love America when he is willing to cheat America. Your weak attempt at "businessman" defense cannot change the fact that he cheated the country that you claimed he loved.

    Second, He did encourage Russia to hack the DNC.

    Third, illegal immigration is actually a net negative. That means more illegals are leaving this country voluntarily than coming in. A fact that the GOP politicians and supporters continue to ignore. There's also another fact that GOP politicians and supporters ignore as well is that illegals mainly take jobs where people don't want to work, like chicken slaughtering plants and farming. Also, illegals are never on medicare. Here's another fact that the GOP politicians and supporters ignore, people are like 300x more likely to be struck by lightning than being killed by a Muslim terrorist. Fear is the tool of the Republicans to control their sheep.

    Fourth, your irrational love of Drumpf doesn't protect from the facts that I have listed as to why Drumpf will be worse than Bush Jr.

    Fifth, yet Drump attained that loss because he a fucking moron when it comes to running casinos during the same era and city where casino industry was making INSANE profits. Drumpf has also bankrupted four different companies. He's a failure at business.

    Sixth, "Alex Jones is a nut, but on target 80 % of the time, as history has proven." I knew it. Well, thanks for proving me right by admitting you follow Alex Jones' lunacy. Next thing you'll say is that Lizard People are real.

    Either way, time to cut you off because its evident from your own statements that you won't accept reality. But, not accepting reality is how Drumpf was created.
  12. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    I'll take this one..

    Buying steel from a cheaper source (because politicians enforce regulations on US steel producers so they can't compete locally) doesn't mean you don't love the country. It means you need to stay solvent as a business.

    Here is a better clip for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNa2B5zHfbQ where Donald says "If it is Russia (who hacked us) he hopes they are able to find the 33,000 emails of Hillary's". He told Russia to find them from the previous hack. He was not asking them to hack again or continue to hack the US. Finding something in already stolen merchandise, is not the same thing as asking someone to steal. There is a difference.


    "The Republican candidate's 2016 personal financial-disclosure report is extensive and lists Trump as a trustee, president, chairman, or member for more than 530 entities"- Investopedia. So 4 bankruptcies (to restructure debt) out of 530. So a 99.25% success rate. Sounds pretty frickin good to me!

    Gotta love how tolerant these leftists are and willing to listen to opposing viewpoints. Oh wait, they don't do that! Better just block you instead because you burst their artificial reality bubble.
    1 person likes this.
  13. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Of course, but first there has to be an investigation, if they find something then charging, then a initial hearing or arraignment, followed by discovery, plea bargaining, a preliminary hearing, pre-trial motions, trial, post-trial motions, sentencing and appeal.

    For Clinton, so far nothing has gotten beyond investigations, and those found nothing to generate charges. The right (the non-Trump right) has done a good job in making accusation, implying, defaming, lying, and generating a lot smoke...but after three years of Benghazi and e-mails what have they come up with...no charges, just investigation. The Clinton Foundation has also generated a lot of accusations and implied quid-pro-quo, but it is not currently under investigation.

    Oh, and at least Hillary hasn't had any sexual assault accusations...

    Now Donnie on the other hand....12 women accusing him of sexual assault/harassment, Trump Foundation under investigation, Trump University lawsuits, too many of the estimated 3500 times he's been sued or fined for other crap (using TF money for defense sometimes, when he's not using TF to re-donate money) to list.

    Oh, and don't forget the rape case (not his ex-wife's accusation) he has to appear in court for a hearing on next month.......

    Neither is an ideal candidate, but Clinton is by far the lesser of two evils and far less likely to run the country to ruin. Plus I don't want to see signs that say "Trump America" in big gold letters on every Federal building... Trump would be too damaging to this country to get into the White House, so the only sane choice is to vote for Clinton, hope she wins, hope the country learns from this mess, and hope there are two better choices in four years.
  14. Goatmaster6

    Goatmaster6 15 Year Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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    This thread is gonna be locked up tighter than Hillary's server after the 8th. So many people eating crow and crying about moving to Spain or Canada that the server here wont be able to handle the load.
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  15. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  16. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    First, Benghazi was nothing more than a political attack by the GOP. No evidence at all came out of the 13 gazillion investigations that they did on Benghazi as Clinton did nothing wrong in Benghazi. Here's a fact that GOP politicians and supporters run away from, GOP had cut the funding for embassy security in the budget three years in a row before Benghazi happened. They are the ones that should be held responsible for those American deaths.

    Second, the emails are a major problem, especially when it comes to the Clinton Foundation. A treasure trove of emails came out Monday on the Clinton Foundation... and they are damning. This type of corruption is where she seriously could be impeached. It's also why people despise the Clintons... they are beyond corrupt and seek money and power over doing the right things.

    I agree with you on all of this.
  17. chirken_doose

    chirken_doose 15 Year Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    ...remember when this thread was about Katy Perry?
  18. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    The WikiLeak emails can't be used for jack shit because of the way the were obtained and the number of fingers on keyboards that have been all over them, no court would be able to use the actual leaks. I'm sure some things could be used to spaw....say it with me......MORE INVESTIGATIONS. These investigations need corroborating evidence so they better get moving. With a head start I bet that delete key is looking good to someone somewhere. After all this shit all politicians, foundations, and parties better be looking into total encryption of electronic data.....
  19. alibi


    Aug 31, 2016
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    Yes. But if it stayed that way, and even if she was completely naked, we wouldn't have this 44 page thread filled with political commentary. ;)

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  20. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Maybe we can get Anne to get naked for Hillary....

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