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Katy Perry Naked: Singer Doing Everything She Can To Vote For Hillary, HQ, Twitter

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by mistify, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    I'm a child of the Cold War, having been born in 1963. People love to draw parallels between ancient Rome and modern USA, but Rome never never faced an equal adversary until their reign was in decline and the Barbarians (Goths, Vandals, Visigoths, et.al.) came knocking. But we ain't there yet. If we were, other nations would stop asking us for lawyers, guns and money. When that happens, we can all discuss our decline.
  2. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Well since the Trump followers want to burn it all down, would that make Trump, Nero?
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  3. Kalamity


    Oct 23, 2015
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    The world has started to turn towards China. The Phillipenes and Duterte are just the most straight forward.
    BRICS , NDB, AAIB and and SCO all exclude the U.S and indicate that China is the future.
    Iran is newly empowered and will likely consider China and Russia the more desirable ally tha the great satan (their rhetoric). So as The U.N is pushing against Russia with regards to Syria and The U.S under Hillary seems preparing to do the same were looking like were pushing these 3 powers into an alliance.
    The only constant is change. Empires rise and fall and while America was ascendent after WW2 its in decline now. China and Russia seem to be filling that void.
  4. KABOOM07


    Jul 14, 2007
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    Skin break

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled lunacy.
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  5. chyron


    May 11, 2007
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    Well, in 1986 dissolution of USSR seemed unthinkable too, yet here we are.

    BTW due to historical succession tradition much of us actually prefer comparing USA to Carthage, mediterran mercantile superpower once way superior to Rome, but i know no quotes - neither modern nor classic - about it 'cept Cato and Heinlein :)
  6. chyron


    May 11, 2007
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    I think they'll prefer Tiberius Gracchus - but most probably they never heard of him, so - Julius Caesar :)
  7. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    The guy who created Caesar salad.
  8. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    Filling what void?
    No it didn't. By 1986 it was considered inevitable. I recall it clearly because I was a young adult then. It was the dawn of Glastnost, which everyone knew was a euphamism for the beginning of the end of the USSR.
  9. alibi


    Aug 31, 2016
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    :cheers: Yep, all the proof you need. Although actual pics of her boobs wouldn't hurt.
  10. chyron


    May 11, 2007
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    If i remember my history correctly, both sides proclaimed that other is doomed since beginning and shouted ' See, that's their final breath!" at any opponent's problem. Anyway, those things are invisible from inside.

    Most crucial reason US is considered THE Power is because since '60s USD was pushed to throne of internationl currency - so US basically got some percentage from any international trade deal.
    PRC and RF work on alternatives to single currency problem though - and US economical politics helps that as relatively soon you won't be able to continue that silent creative accounting of yours (like Fed discreetly loaning money to european banks for them to loan to US gov for it to cover budget deficit that Sanders recently decried as bailing out EU - since 2009 iirc ECB is basically branch of FED thanks to some very creative-accounting looking pacts) anymore - and then there'll be only two solution - drastically devalue USD or decide to not pay debts at all.
    Second option is unlikely - even US has not enough chutzpah and death wish, but first still will be grave of Pax Americana and due to majority of US debt bein' internal one - to S.S. etc. - will cause a lot of turmoil inside. I don't believe USA will vanish, but good chances it will become only as important as current India. Not that everybody won't be hurt in process anyway.
  11. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    650,000 emails found on Weiner's computer and Huma doesn't have any idea how they got there. DO'H! The FBI didn't collect this computer in the initial probe because Huma told them it was not supposed to have any data related to the emails on it....it does! She said under oath that she turned over all devices...Not this one! Uh Oh, Spaghettios.


    Department of Justice tried blocking/stalling the investigation into these emails by not issuing a warrant to review them. Thus, they could not be properly determined if they contained classified materials but metadata shows they were to and from Clinton's server. (Maybe why Comey sent the letter to congress?) It sounds like the warrant was issued today however.


    Internal turmoil at the FBI over the investigation.

  12. Lefty11


    Jul 3, 2012
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    The attorney general of The United States of America has pleaded the 5th, so as not to incriminate herself regarding the Iran payoff. Do you Hillary supporters realize how utterly outrageous that is? Hillary is just a puppet for the elite who are trying to create a borderless one world system that only benefits the powerful. They own everything and kill anyone. Our civilization as a whole is at a turning point, not just America, and thus you have witnessed a great awakening. Donald Trump is crude, sure, but he loves his country and is the instrument of change that we need. Hillary is as corrupt as the day is long, and flaunts her arrogance above the law. All the dirty and illegal scheming of the establishment has been exposed through wiki leaks. If you still believe that Hillary and the establishment have our best interests at heart, there is no hope for you, continue to drink their Kool-aid. If you think Trump supporters are every "phobe" in the book, you are disillusioned. No matter who wins on Nov 8, American politics have forever been changed. America has woken, and the elite will pay.
    2 people like this.
  13. jones1351


    Jan 14, 2014
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    Yes, we work harder and are more productive than most other OECD states but we see far less of ‘what’s coming to us’. The lion’s share of our enormous productivity finds its way into the bank accounts of the top 1%. In the wealthiest nation in the history of the world half of the population is poor. Most Americans (nearly 70%) have less than $1000 in savings. Which probably partially explains why we’re number 13 on the ‘World Happiness Index’(WHI).

    'strongest currency'. Meh. What good is that ‘strong’ currency if we (the majority) don’t have any of it?

    As individuals we can be quite generous. But as a nation we’re a bit miserly. In 1970 the wealthiest countries agreed to donate .7% of their GNI for international development (aid). To date we’ve never kept that promise. Currently we stand at a stingy .19 % (that’s less than 2 tenths of a penny). Norway exceeds the agreed amount at 1.07%. Incidentally they are number 4 on the WHI and they’re – dare I say it – socialist (queue scary music). The fact is that most of the foreign money that we do give goes to military spending by about 22 to 1. Our ‘leaders’ are more interested in providing bombs than bread.

    ‘the biggest fucking guns’, is pretty much the real explanation for, ‘why we’re at the top of the heap’. But, that just means the other nations of the world are bidding their time. Waiting for us to commit the final act of ‘over reach’ as Chalmers Johnson put it. And then the whole thing comes crumbling down. Actually, we probably won’t ‘fall’ so much as set like the sun.
    Speaking of the sun at our current rate of ‘criminal’ negligence with respect to climate change we’ll all be bending over and kissing our ass’s goodbye in another 100 years or so.
    If anyone thinks either clown – eh – candidate is going to improve any of this, I’m selling shares in a bridge that will start at Fulton Street in Manhattan and end near Jay Street in Brooklyn.

    But, seriously, I believe most of us have good heads and hearts. The problem is we don't have a real say in what goes on - domestically or in foreign affairs. There in lies the rub.
    3 people like this.
  14. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    At least your very last sentence has some merit to it. Yes, the populace has awoken during this election cycle. The Establishment will not be winning many more contests after Nov 8th.
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  15. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I think I'll start calling this what it's starting to pan out to be.....Comeygate.

    Lets apply a little logic, first. The emails. If you have something to hide you format the drive (then format it again, then replace it, then throw the old one in a river after hitting it with a hammer..over and o...you get the point). Next, 650,000...holy shit. I thought I was bad...that's an impressive number. Probably a bunch of backup archives, 'cause nobody is going to have that much in a inbox and folders. If you're like me, each backup archive, depending on how often taken, is going to contain 95% of what the archive before it contains. Easy enough, text doesn't take up that much space. So with a weekly back-up....divide by 52, then divided by the number of years....subtract all duplicates....carry the whatever...don't look at the pictures of Weiner's...uh.

    So maybe 650,000 isn't as impressive as it sounds...

    Huma claims she turned over all devices for the investigation and doesn't know how any emails got on this one, and the FBI admit this was the Husband's laptop. Maybe she used it, maybe it was used as a backup drive for another device (in that case the FBI would already have the emails), or it could be emails to and from a husband and wife over the years using her work email.

    Oh, and unless the emails contain classified information that hasn't be cataloged from all of the other emails they've looked at (especially if they are backup archives), this is just more smoke being blown up our asses.

    Now lets look at Comey... The FBI has had these emails for close to four weeks, not four days. Now many know that much of the FBI hate how Comey has handled this case, but "souces" claim agents who knew immediately that there were potential Clinton server emails on the laptop waited three weeks to kick it upstairs....BS.

    The search warrant...which was for Weiner's laptop and emails would not have specified anything about Abedin's work related emails. Even if agents saw them "accidentally" the procedure is to approach Abedin, request to review them, and if necessary get a warrant if rebuffed. They did not approach her, and after the crap Comey pulled Friday, the warrant to review the emails was only issued today....after having them since the beginning of October??? Hey! Those of you who like to hold up the Constitution when talking about the second and first amendments, and the rest of you, go look up the fourth amendment. The FBI has a history of playing fast and loose with search warrants....they may have just violated the foruth.

    Then there is the Hatch Act of 1939 (amended in 2012). The Hatch Act prohibits FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. By releasing this information, which he says is not conclusive and may not be pertinent, Comey may have broken that law. There is also some who say Comey has been sitting on information about Trump's dealings with Russia for months now, but he supposedly first hears about this data from a several week old warrant execution on Thursday and then the next day is firing off a inflammatory letter which says nothing to eight Republicans on the Hill, against a DOJ recommendation.... Either way Comey is done. If he violated the Hatch Act he'll be removed, if he gets past this he'll be marginalized.

    Welcome to the talking points of the next few days.

    I'm sure Comey's old boss Rudy Giuliani is so proud.....

    Unlikely as this is to be resolved before the 8th, it has fired up the base on both sides. The right thinks it has a chance, well a better chance in the Senate, now. The Clinton campaign said that they had their best Saturday ever with donations...not sure what that says. In the end I still think, without anything more solid than a memo, Trump will still lose. 650,000 emails is like burying something under a mountain of potential evidence. Tick...tock.

    BTW, who's voted already? Nearly 19 million did before this latest crapfest.....
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  16. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  17. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  18. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    What's WikiLeaks? Oh those, emails....I typed them up and sent them to Assnage....I was bored. :p
  19. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Well, at lest you didn't mention Russia. :p
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  20. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    I know. That is the weakest excuse they could come up with. Despite the emails showing that Brazile sent questions that were going to be asked to Shillary's campaign, she uses, "RUSSIA HACK!!!" as the goto excuse. I watched a vid of Jordan Chariton from TYT asking Brazile about the emails and she used that same dodge tactic. Shillary's campaign has used the same tactic. It's so comical because it's so transparent.
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