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Katy Perry Naked: Singer Doing Everything She Can To Vote For Hillary, HQ, Twitter

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by mistify, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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  2. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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  3. Cygnus_X1

    Cygnus_X1 Do Not Disturb Ten Years of Phun

    Jun 9, 2010
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    It depends on how much fight tacomaguy20 has left in him lol. The poor guy can definitely take a lot of punishment.
    At one page a day, Scribe might be close at 43.
    2 people like this.
  4. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    I'm kinda surprised how many people Hillary pays to shill for her on this site. Robot must be making bookoo bucks. Nobody likes Hillary that much! Trump is leading in all social media statistics so this must be the Hillary refuge or something.
  5. L0ng5long


    Oct 2, 2014
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    :pat: That's some funny shit right there. ^^ :laughing:

    I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't say no to a one night stand with Hillary, if only for the bragging rights for shagging a Madame President Hillary Clinton. Totally would bend her over the oval table and Bill can watch. Ha! Joking aside, it's almost over, yay!!! Then we get to repeat this crap in two years. :trink26:
  6. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    I would love to see all of your faces on election night when Trump wins, can we start a picture thread where people can post pictures of their agony.
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  7. L0ng5long


    Oct 2, 2014
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    Sure Donald. You might wanna keep Ivanka close by for, um, consoling or something. :1900: All the legit polls have Hillary chances at +90%. Not the reddit and twitter bot polls which has Donald at +100% or something. :lmao:
    2 people like this.
  8. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Legit polls? Now that's funny! You guys don't pay any attention to their methodology do you?
  9. L0ng5long


    Oct 2, 2014
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    If drump has the election stolen for him thanks to his puppet master, oops I meant Putin, I'll post a pic of me packing my bags for New Zealand cause shit will be going downhill really fast. Drump's business credit score is 19 Out of a possible 100, his campaign is in shambles, people are bailing on him, and he bankrupted casinos of all things. The guy is a :loser:

    Can't wait for America to tell him:
    YOU'RE FIRED!!!!
    4 people like this.
  10. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I must be hitting way to close to the truths that some do not want to hear or ever admit to. I should review my previous posts because I resent being called a shill for Hillary. Defend...yes. Calling out hypocrisy...yes. Cynical...yes. Question...yes. Judge morality...yes. Try to be open minded...yes. Look a Katy Perry's boobs...hell yes.

    During election season I become a bit more absorbed in political news, but generally follow it all year round. I come from a conservative family, from a conservative county in a sometimes conservative state. My issue is, and I have many, what I listed above. Most of that is from being open minded, knowing enough history, observing human nature.

    There is nothing new about the current contest which is between two of the country's "elite". The founding fathers of America were mostly from the affluent of society. Today, our government is still led by the affluent of our "two-ish" party system. The problem is that one of those two has drifted far away from the government of the people, by the people, for the people. I see the modern era of problems starting with the military-industrial complex and big business in the late 50's. Things started to changed during the Reagan administration. They changed even more with Bush Jr. Then things became obscene when the Democrats took back the White House in 2008.

    We are far from a sainted country, no matter what arrogance and religion make people say. We preach about tolerance and are horrified by crimes against humanity, but should always remember this government's treatment of Native American and slavery, and have some humility when we preach to others.

    There is nothing wrong with true conservative values, just as there is nothing wrong with liberal values, but something is wrong. When I see a government that no longer works because one party has decided that being obstinate should be the status quo, when gerrymandering becomes a game, when legislative patterns obviously benefit the rich, when lobbying is not considered bribery....something is wrong. The soon to be dead Republican Party, and their masters, created the Tea Party (yes I know about the Ron Paul origins). Between fighting Democrats and their creation, they could no longer control, the Republican party decided to dig in and wait out Obama's presidency, the good of the people be damned. Then justifiable dissatisfaction with government set in on both sides. Then came Trump and 15 other candidates on the Republican side. Trump saw that dissatisfaction and gamed the system. He sold it and he sold it well, playing all sides against the others. Now here we are...on the raggedy edge.

    So short story long, about 15 to 20 years ago I drifted from conservative to liberal. Mostly because of the self-serving and the illogical and immoral hypocrisy I see, but also because there are some things I believe differently from the right. A woman's body is hers and shouldn't be legislated, most institutions should serve the people not the profit margins of those who want to privatize them, your ancestors were immigrants at one point....so get real and stop letting others tell you to be scared of anyone who is not lily white. I also see the money of politics and I'm not fooled.

    Don't get me started about those who wrap the flag and the 2nd amendment around themselves. Anyone private citizen who says they have the right to own a semi-automatic rifle is an ass. They don't need, they want that gun. I believe American citizens should be able to own low capacity handguns for self defense and a hunting shotgun and/or single shot rifle after extensive background checks, nothing more. Anything beyond that should only be in the hands of the military or law enforcement. After things like Sandy Hook, in my mind, there is no justification for anything but comprehensive gun control in this country.

    I apologize for going all soap box. Bottom line is that Hillary is establishment and Trump is a opportunist. Hillary is qualified and Trump is not qualified for the job no matter the real or imagined scandals of both. People are dissatisfied with our government because it is not working for a majority of it's citizens. If you can look at the facts with a open mind and without prejudice, look at the bills and budgets, following the money from lobbyist and contributors, the pattern both on the federal and state level that emerges is easy to see. I will call bullshit when I see it and especially when it's so easy to call. Well, enough of this. All I can say is....

    Think for yourselves and question everything... Oh, and don't forget to vote for Katy's boobies.

    I'm Hillary Clinton and I endorse.....just kidding.
    3 people like this.
  11. mistify

    mistify ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Nov 26, 2012
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    26 pages and no naked Katy Perry, I'm wondering how many pages is she was really naked :rofl:
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  12. alibi


    Aug 31, 2016
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    Makes for an easier choice, and the left and right are actually in agreement with one another.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  13. crack_pipe112

    crack_pipe112 Ten Years of Phun

    Feb 19, 2005
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  14. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Oh wow, that's sad that you've thrown in with the liberals, who, lets face it, are much much worse than the conservatives. I am the exact opposite of you. I grew up liberal, because of my mom. Our family was poor.... you know, the liberal base. I thought that being liberal meant being open minded to new ideas and I thought conservatives were stuck in the old ways of thinking. I wasn't much into politics when I was younger and when I voted, I voted for who we always voted for, the Democrats. As I got older, I realized that Democrats/Liberals weren't really what I thought the "liberal" name meant at all. They weren't open minded or open to new ideas. They were into control over poor/minorities promising things they never would deliver to get you to vote for them. I saw how they didn't value hard work, an honest days work for an honest days pay, or any of the values I was raised with. I grew up with a good grasp of history and economics and when I looked into the Democratic party politics, they sounded good, but didn't work and were at odds with history. Democrats always want more laws and regulations in the name of consumer protection/preventing climate change at the cost of jobs and GDP growth.

    Effect = More poor people, more benefits to promise, and more votes they get.

    They want open borders in order to bring down wages for their rich globalist business owners and so they can export jobs oversees. In turn, wall street /lobbiest donate to their campaigns.

    Effect = More poor people, more promises of stuff, and more votes they get.

    They want more gun control laws like they have in liberal cities like Chicago where people are dying by the thousands. Broken homes, people live in fear, gangs run the streets.

    Effect = More poverty, more promises of change, more votes for them.

    And you brought up Abortion, a woman's body is hers until she gets pregnant. Then it's hers and the babies. If you can justify murdering a baby because it's inside a person vs. outside a person especially in Hillary's case of late term abortion, that's messed up.

    Those reasons are why I became a Conservative, because overall conservatives advocate for self reliance and less government control. Less regulations so businesses can grow and GDP can rise. Cracking down on illegal immigration so crime goes down and wages can rise with less cheap labor flooding the economy. Less gun control laws because more freedom of gun ownership equals less crime. Chicago /L.A. (tough gun laws) vs. Dallas or Phoenix (relaxed gun laws). The more gun laws in place, the more gun crimes and murder.

    As far as the tea party goes, it was both Democrats and Republicans protesting the higher taxes of Obama (who said he was lowering taxes) only to raise them and now the government is bringing in record high tax revenue. The tea party was fed up because Obama was running rampant and Republicans weren't stopping him which lead to record wins in the house and senate for Republicans. However, Republicans are spineless and they didn't use those wins to do anything. People got more fed up and now they've nominated Trump. See Republicans don't really stand for conservative principals anymore. They are as much for open borders and corporate interests as the Democrats, which is why Trump won the primary. He isn't part of the game, he is tough as hell and won't bend over like the spineless Republicans. He is a effectively a 3rd party and he is fed up with both sides, which is why they both are against him. He may not be as conservative as some but he is not part of the broken 2 party system which has fucked us all over with their shit policies. Trump is saying the things in public that conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans have been saying for years in private. The tea party is voting for Trump, the Republicans frustrated they gave overwhelming wins to Republicans in the house and senate in 2012 and 2014 are pissed and voting for him. Bernie voters that are mad he sold out to Hillary are voting for Trump too. I think he's going to win because 4 more years of Obama's policies are a disaster at 1% GDP growth, Unlimited Syrian refugees infiltrated by Isis will be a disaster, and Obamacare is hiking rates another 70% in some places which is just not affordable. We can't keep exporting jobs oversees with these messed up trade deals and we can't keep ignoring the vets and military personnel.
  15. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Well I think we can all agree that the government, no matter the party, is messed up and which one is worse or better is a matter of debate that will never be agreed on. A want of power, influence, and money makes it all the worse. Any who want it, use it, or take it in bad faith are to blame, and so are we who vote for them. We all want change, but we need a working government no matter what people wish...and it is wishing because the alternative has no basis in reality. Throwing a molotov cocktail like Trump at Washington is not the solution, so he needs to be countered.

    Some things said have merit, I remember the jobs leaving the country in the 90's.

    Abortion and right to life is always a touchy subject, one that from the debate made it blatantly obvious Mr. Trump has no clue about. Being a subject about women's rights it's no surprise. He really should have prepped for the debate. At 9 months it would be delivery by inducing or cesarean section...so clueless.

    The Tea Party had it origins in 2002 and the modern Tea Party had it's first true meeting in 2007, so not caused by Obama...more like the Koch brothers and their ilk.

    I'll leave it at this, the rest I'm reading is the same talking points I've been seeing for months now. Just remember, without progress you get stagnation. The world and this country is ever changing and evolving, no matter how hard some try to fight it and keep things the same.

    Let the games begin.....may the odds be ever in....someone's favor.

    With 4 million early voting ballots already cast it has begun. November 8th should be entertaining and possibly horrifying.....
  16. nutting in your anus

    nutting in your anus

    Sep 2, 2015
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    What do you figure you'll do when Trump is easily defeated in a couple weeks? Claim it was rigged? Cry into your Breitbart pillow? Riot and loot the local Piggly Wiggly?
    1 person likes this.
  17. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Probably stock up and guns and ammo. lol
  18. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Oh well if the Tea Party was against high taxes and spending, then no doubt they were against Bush too. Obama just fired them up even more, his taxes and spending are out of control. And partial birth abortions are currently illegal (so you're right) but what Trump was talking about was Hillary voted against a ban on partial birth abortions... which can be up to that late in the pregnancy. When they were legal, was there a defined period that everyone decided was too late? I don't think there was.

    And I think a Molotov cocktail is exactly what Washington needs.
  19. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  20. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    This is because Drumpf had his feelings hurt because Ryan hasn't denounced him (like some other sensible GOP politicians have) but he also won't actively campaign with Drumpf. That pisses Drumpf off because he views it as disloyalty. So, he's attacking Ryan just like he attacked the other GOP politicians that denounced him. He's literally told his voters not to vote for those politicians. So, it's feared that majority of the Republican voters will vote only top ticket and ignore all the other politicians. This could be the greatest sweep of the GOP since 2008. And, that's all thanks to Drumpf and his childishness!
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