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Katy Perry Naked: Singer Doing Everything She Can To Vote For Hillary, HQ, Twitter

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by mistify, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I don't believe polls even when taken together. Like I pointed out, they have been wrong before about Trump. Similarly, they were wrong about Sanders during the primaries, Sanders over performed nearly every time and Clinton under performed nearly every time. Media wrote off Sanders after Super Tuesday, but they were wrong, they did it again later, and they were wrong.

    I think it's easy to play the us vs. them game, and politicians certainly want you too because it helps them, and the media wants you too because it helps with their ratings to have a political soap opera, but you can't simply write off Trump supporters as alt-right nut jobs. Some are, most defiantly, but there is also a valid point to a lot of what they are saying.

    If Trump claims that the elections were rigged, can the Dems stand on a high ground and say that that is nonsense and such a thing could never happen? They can't, because they rigged the primaries and destroyed the Sanders campaign. I've been looking through the Podesta leaks over the last few days and a lot of it is just disgusting, from Dem blackmailing public officials, to requesting the Whitehouse to intervene in the primaries, to coordinating with the media. People should be outraged about this, how can you not be? Are you truly willing to accept the lesser evil, because that too is also evil. Is all of this just okay now because Trump has set the bar as low as pussy grabbing?
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  2. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Oh, I understand the portion of Trump followers that only support him because he is the anti-establishment candidate. I voted for Bernie, even went to a rally. Do I think the Democratic primaries were rigged (registration dates, super delegates, endorsements) in favor of their anointed, yes. Much of the primary election system on both sides need to be changed. So yes, I would love for it to have been Bernie at the top of the Democratic ticket. I hate the establishment as it is today, but I also know the history of Washington for the last 30+ years and much needs to be changed. I use to be a registered Republican, but they have become the problem. Their justification for the politics of the last 16 years, especially the last 6 they have had the majority is too self serving, too closed minded. The traditionalist Republicans birthed the Tea Party, and Trump saw an opportunity some years back to appeal to that sect and started the whole birther crap to see if he could make it work. Burning it all down has appeal, it probably will happen, but Trump is not the one to do it. When you wreck a house, you don't destroy everything including the load bearing walls...... He talks the deal, but that's it, it's all about the deal, not the details, not the people.

    If Trump had any qualifications or the temperament we would be looking at a different race. Since you admit that Trump is the greater evil ;) I can only hope that someone qualified, moral and transformational wins against Clinton in 2020.
  3. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    They were rigged far more than just that. Here is an e-mail threatening to cut funding for somebody who supported Bernie over Hillary: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3609 . Here is another e-mail asking Obama to hint at support for Hillary during the primaries, which he did. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/2960

    As a Bernie supporter I'm sure you know that he wasn't given a fair chance by the media during the primaries. They either did not pay attention to him or cast him in a negative light. The Washington Post, which is pretty much a Clinton propaganda piece, ran a record 16 negative stories about Bernie in 10 hours.
    Wikileaks of course has shown the close ties between the Clinton camp and the media, from giving Clinton questions in advance, to asking permission to run articles to DNC members being able to call up a network and change the story because they don't like it [ Debbie Wasserman Schultz did that with CBS]. This is largely why I don't trust anything the media has to say these days. It's sad, if you had asked me a year ago about the media bias I would have said it's nonsense and that Republicans just use that excuse when they want to deny facts, but sadly that is really not the case. I read a article a few days ago that said that mainstream media in the US is as bad as state own media outlets in oppressive countries, and while that may be a bit of an exaggeration it does ring somewhat true. And that, is scary.

    I agree with you about Trump being an opportunist, which is why I don't really fear him. He is not a real racist, or dictator, or anything, he is just an idiotic con man who likes attention. If elected President he will be the greatest embarrassment in the history of the country, but then again, he might already be that. However, I do not believe that he will bring on the apocalypse, or start a nuclear war, in-fact I would be surprised if he even serves out his full term. Clinton on the other hand, I do fear her. I fear that she will start a another war, I hate her middle east policies, they are the same policies that have not worked in the past and doing them all over again is just stupid. I fear what she is doing with this Russia hysteria, as I have stated in earlier posts. I disagree with the NSA surveillance program and other regressive laws and I fear that Clinton will only further those; after how badly these leaks have hurt her this year I wouldn't be surprised if she starts treating every leak as a full blown terrorist attack. I fear her ties to Wall Street, there will never be any progress unless we get money out of politics and that is just not going to happen under her.
    The system needs to be changed, Bernie tried to do it but failed because the system is so fucked up that you cannot change it by conventional means. Trump is largely the only option for change. Another interesting thing I read was that if Trump is a reaction to decades of failed establishment politics, what will another 4 and potentially 8 years of those same policy breed? What will the next Trump be? Kayne West? :yikes:
  4. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Lot's of truth here.... Both sides like to play the game too much. I think a lot of what causes that animosity in politics and society today is the inability to accept the changing world around them. The demographics of America and the world are changing no matter how hard people want to fight it and yell about it. It's simple nature that if a people or species don't adapt to the environment, don't evolve, they or their society are destine to become extinct. People on both sides need to accept things are changing or they need to be cast aside. I still cannot accept a Dictator Trump in office... This election should be held on April 1st....
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  5. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    These might be the end of days, but at least it's fucking entertaining. :lol:
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  6. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    First off, anyone who believes that Trump will do anything but continue the establishment needs to take a hard look at everything he has done during this election cycle and before. While running for President, he has tried and tried to get money from wall-street donors but continuously failed because they LOVE Shillary compared to Trump. He tried to give them what they wanted with the worst tax plan in American history that would cost the US economy trillions of dollars due to insane tax cuts for the rich. However, he's too much of a lose cannon for them. Yet, he ended up getting funded by Robert Mercer who makes the Koch Brothers look like amateurs in Republican establishment spending. So, no, he'll continue establishment through-and-through by giving the rich what they want... tax cuts to destroy the US economy. Shillary is bad, but she understands that insane cuts to taxes = economic destruction.

    Second, if Trump becomes President, he will make George W Bush look like a fucking genius. They are both echo chambers in that whoever the last person in the room that speaks to either of them is the message that they resonate. The first major difference is that Bush had no ego and allowed people to talk to him, while Trump has the ego the size of Russia, so he doesn't like to be told what to do or selective of who talks to him. The second major difference is that Dick Cheney is faaaar more savy, devious, and intelligent than Mike Pence. Cheney would almost always be the last person in the room with Bush. Thus, Bush was very consistent with his messages (bad pronunciation/spelling and all). However, I doubt Pence sees Trump more than two hours a week because Trump cannot stand Pence, which is why Trump's message is all over the place from one day to another. He will be a far worse President than Bush.

    As to Kanye being the next Trump... ludicrous. GOP voters would never vote for him as he's black and not evangelical. Only reason why Ben Carson was leading in the primaries for a split second was because he's evangelical... and they hadn't heard his crazy-ass theories on the Pyramids being grain silos for the Egyptians yet (wtf?).
  7. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    Nah, this would be more entertaining. :D

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  8. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    My point was never that Trump's policies are better, my point was that Trump is a buffoon. If you had to go up against an opponent would you rather that they be smart, intelligent and capable, or moronic idiots? In my opinion both Trump and Clinton are equally bad, however if given the opportunity to become President Clinton will accomplish a lot of what she wants, while Trump will be busy Tweeting.

    Well, they all voted for Trump and he's orange, so, it's a step in the right direction. :p

    Ben Carson was a gem, and the fact that he was a neurosurgeon just made it all the more hilarious. I mean how does a man like that end up bein.....OH....MY LUGGAGE....*runs off screen*
  9. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Well since we're invoking Walken....

  10. riveron


    May 16, 2011
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    In the USA the electoral college decides the presidency. The popular vote doesn't mean doodley squat. There are currently 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 Representatives and 100 Senators, plus the three additional electors from the District of Columbia.

    Although the house and senate are currently republican held, the number of electors per state, supersedes dominance in house or senate.

    This means big democratic states like CA will go for clinton. Big swing states will go for clinton. There is simply no way trump can get the the electoral votes to win the election. Obviously, this is very distressing for trump supporters, and brings great glee to clinton supporters, but the country has been going democrat light socialist for 2 decades and nothing will stop the train now. The next president will have 3-4 supreme court appointees, and they will be liberal, and thus will the nation go, forever hold our peace.

    Down ballots are the consideration now, house of representatives, senators and state governors. Everybody's clawing to keep what they have, democrat or republican.

    I am saddened by the sideshows dominating this election without either candidate addressing the real issues of USA citizens. This is a 3 month long episode of Jerry Springer, and americans must either want it or deserve it.

  11. jackinthebox

    jackinthebox Power Poster

    May 31, 2005
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    This is just what the media does with polls. They need it to be 'breaking news' whenever something changes. And they actually have an incentive to make it sound like a closer race - otherwise, why bother tuning in for the next debate, or checking their website for new political happenings.
  12. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    That's rich coming from a Hillary voter. Trump looks positively saintly compared to Hillary.
  13. nutting in your anus

    nutting in your anus

    Sep 2, 2015
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    To pretend that Trump is simply a clueless baffoon that will embarrass the country with his ineptitude and boorish behavior, is gravely selling short the seriousness of the situation. He has also said more Authoritarian, dictator-like, non-Democratic, and absolutely DANGEROUS statements and rhetoric than any other political figure in recent history. He routinely praises
    other violent dictators for the way they handle dissenters; he is obsessed with nuclear weapons, genuinely doesnt understand why we don't use them now, and is on record saying other countries like Saudi Arabia and North Korea should all have nukes too; and on Sunday he took a giant public shit on the very core of Democracy itself by threatening to jail his political opponent once in power, which will be talked about in history classes.
    4 people like this.
  14. ImTheCaptainNow

    ImTheCaptainNow ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Locker-room Banter
  15. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    It's funny, people always like to label Trump as a dictator but when you look at them you see that she is actually worse.

    She is the definition of crony capitalism, there is enough proof that she pretty much runs on the pay-to-play model. Just yesterday ABC released reports on her e-mails during/after the Haiti earthquake where "friends of wjc" were given preferential treatment.

    If we look at close ties to dictators, while Trump boasts about them, she and Bill actually have them. They have traveled to tons of authoritarian regimes and given speeches standing next to human right's violating dictators and claiming that these Governments are "democratic". Over the past decade they have got 1000s of dollars from the Middle East and have far closer tries to Russia than Trump ever did.

    She, and the Dems have turned the media into their own propaganda mouth piece. MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post are all in the bag for Clinton. The latest Podesta leaks have even proved that Donna Blaze gave Clinton a heads up for 1 of the Town Hall questions.
    Speaking of the Podesta leaks. Let's look at Clinton's response to them. She and her camp have tried to discredit the leaks as falsehoods, and mislead people into thinking that the leaks are fake and instantly throw the blame on her enemies, Trump and Russia. Something which again, the the media has allowed them to do. So, you have to ask yourself, in a Clinton regime is the media there to report and question the Government or is it meant to just spread party propaganda like the State owned media in authoritarian countries?

    She used her connections, and her influence, to unfairly destroy her opponent during the primaries. Not only that, anybody who even supported Sanders during the primaries got the boot, as the e-mail link I posted above showed. Again something that's really common with authoritarian regimes, they surround themselves with party loyalists and create a system whereby only they can rise to power and nobody else.

    And lastly, the Trump comment. Do you honestly think that he will jail her? Do you honestly see that happening? He'll try I'm sure, but I can't see her actually going behind bars. But this leads back to my point. Trump will walk on stage and threaten to lock people up, while Clinton, like Obama has done, might create laws to actually make that happen. Can you honestly say that Trump standing on stage and saying that is worse than an actual law that exists which has the power to strip you of your rights and hold you indefinably?

    None of this is in defence of Trump by the way, he is also an authoritarian dictator in his own regard. But the lesser of 2 evils is also evil and what Clinton is trying to do, and has done for a large party is legitimise her crimes by saying Trump is worse. People are turning a blind eye to Clinton's flaws, not just that, they are railing against anybody who even tries to point them out. I just read through a Politico article about the Podesta leaks and the Twitter comments were all just shouting at Politico for reporting the story and claiming that they were doing Russia's biding. Now that, is truly truly dangerous, when people are so in the bag that the refuse to even acknowledge the truth about their candidate and are only interested in propaganda. That's how you go from President to authotarian leader.
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  16. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    And, yet she is not the one that is acting like the Authoritarian with statements like arresting Shillary day one, or inciting a civil war in the GOP by telling his own voters to not vote for the GOP politicians that abandoned him due to "disloyalty", or receiving propaganda direct from Russian-sponsored "news" agency Sputnik despite the story never making it to the US. Then there's the relevant issues of Drump being a misogynistic, racist (calling all Mexicans "rapists and criminals" and his statements about any black individual being automatically associated with shooting one another in "the inner city", plus never denouncing David Duke's (ultra white supremacist and KKK member) support), orange, not-as-rich-as-he-claims bag of stupidity.

    That's the problem with some of the individuals that are voting for Trump. They are sooooo aimed at the negatives of Shillary (which are a metric shit-ton as you have pointed out and I agree with) that they don't weigh the negatives of Drump compared to Shillary. IMO, I would prefer a candidate where I could fight against her day 1 on everything she does rather than a candidate who might silence anyone who disagrees with him by automatically labeling them as terrorists and taking away all their Constitutional protections.

    Either way, it doesn't matter... Drump is starting into a death spiral for his campaign. Losing by 11 points in a poll out this weekend after the tapes but before the debate, inciting civil war in the GOP, and blaming the GOP politicians that abandoned him for his failing campaign. He's literally bringing the GOP down with him. This could end up being a larger sweep of the House and Senate than 2008 election where Obama became President and the Dems had a huge grip on both houses of Congress thanks to Bush's failures during his presidency (he's still in the teens in approval rating after 8 years of being out of office).
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  17. L0ng5long


    Oct 2, 2014
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    Re: Jack Tripper. I never been on a forum where I thought a moderator is trolling. You actually believe Bill and Hillary Clinton are more dictator like than Trump? I have no words, wow. The GOP is falling apart, blown up by being spineless, gutless, and by peddling false propaganda for decades. The monster they created and their voters are turning against them. Ooo, Obama is coming for your guns, etc. That didn't happen so now he's replaced by Hillary. Only one candidate is calling for national stop and frisk, taking of guns, jailing their political opponent, committing war crimes, creating a huge police state, banning millions of people from visiting the US, replacing generals, saying that he, and only he will save us. It goes on and on. That isn't America. Doom and gloom straight out of a would be fascist dictator playbook. And it's not democrats saying those things. You think the gutless republicans will stop Trump from doing what he wants to do? They haven't stopped him yet, despite all of them crying about it. Hillary's campaign is a professional, well oiled machine versus a bunch of toddlers throwing a fit because things aren't going their way. It's delicious watching the GOP implode on themselves. The party of no needs to be voted out into the past, which is where they obviously want to be. We have a progressive future we're working toward.
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  18. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Having an opinion isn't trolling. :p

    I agree with everything you said about the GOP, the party is equally bad and it is fun to watch them implode.
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  19. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    When you do a google search on "unscrupulous business man bully" I'll give you one guess on who comes up in the top results.... Trump may not have a political history, but from a business perspective he has done the same and far worse, and instead the reason for it being "playing politics", for Trump it was pure self gain. He has bragged many times of paying to play. He talks about bringing back business to America, then buys steel from China and has products made anywhere but America. If you're an small business who does work for Trump, it's 50/50 if you get paid part of what you're due or hope you have enough money to pay a lawyer to sue Trump to get what's owed. At least with politics its quid-pro-quo, with Trump it's you-wanna-get-paid-FU.

    He has a point. Trump's personality is basically that of a bully with narcissistic personality disorder who now seems, win or lose, bent on developing a cult of personality. Where Hillary would politically maneuver on a opponent, or not respond to a personal attack at all, Donald has no filter. He would react vindictively. Given equivalent situations Clinton would perform as a seasoned politician (not a real compliment for anyone, but reasonable), whereas Trump would react like a stereotypical businessman (ruthless, selfish and greedy), tinged by a reality TV star who needs his orange makeup touched up and waits for a good camera angle.

    Hillary plays the game very well. So does Trump. That is why neither has ever been convicted, well in Trumps case, fined so many times it's impossible to count. He's been sued more that 3500 times and 169 were federal suits.

    Back when Trump got the nomination I had a suspicion and hope which almost seems to be coming true. It was that Trump would lose, and he would badly damage if not destroy the Republican party. So far he's seems to be on that course. I guess we'll see how much damage results from this man's ego trip.
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  20. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Here is a hilarious titbit:http://www.businessinsider.in/Googl...nomists-in-the-world/articleshow/54705862.cms
    I checked this last week and got the exact same results as shown in the picture, but it seems they have corrected it now.

    I agree with all you said about Trump.
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