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Who's nude @ Game of Thrones

Discussion in 'Celebrity Extra' started by pombeer3, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    That's sounds like such a wonderful experience. Lucky you! Alas, I doubt I'll ever get to Belfast in my lifetime. :?
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  2. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    Yesterday I read a long, ridiculous debate on gizmodo about who Dany should marry once she gets to Westeros (Jon Snow was the prevailing choice, despite her being his presumed aunt) and I couldn't help but wonder, haven't these people been paying attention? Dany isn't returning to Westeros to resume business as usual, she has a whole new agenda and a major paradigm shift in store for the old world order. She's coming with 4 armies/navies, three dragons and has a couple of savvy, intelligent and independent female allies on her side (watching the Queen of Thorns lay the smackdown on the Sand Snakes was priceless. Diana Rigg is a gem) Sure, she may have [briefly] married that guy in Meereen to placate some of the old school, but she certainly didn't do it to legitimize her rule.

    The real question is going to be whether or not there will be an Iron Throne to sit on, indeed if Kings Landing will even survive, because we all know Cersei won't go quietly. I guess it really depends on who kills her first and how far along. Will it be Arya? Will it be Jamie? Or Tyrion? Or will Euron Greyjoy be her unlikely savior? He's about the only chance Cersei has of putting up a fight against Ms Stormborn and her flotilla of fire and blood.

    I think S7.1 will be dedicated to resolving the new pecking order in Westeros and then S7.2 will deal with the White Walkers.

    I had an epiphany last night that made think Gregor Clegane may end up as dragon fodder if there were some direct confrontation between Cersei and Dany.
  3. kix


    Jan 3, 2010
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    I'm starting to think Westeros may just flat get rolled by the White Walkers in the last book. We already know the main points of book 6. It's looking to mainly deal with what's going down south of the wall. Lots of Greyjoy, Sansa, Arya, Dorne stuff, Cersei. It's almost like that season where they just ignored Bran. So we get lots of action and then the WW just fuck everyone up, Night King sits on the iron throne, roll credits.

    It's the only thing that could possibly rustle fan jimmies more than the Red Wedding at this point.
  4. arrogantamb


    Jan 6, 2016
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    Jamie, for sure. He's defaulted into becoming the moral center of the show.
  5. kix


    Jan 3, 2010
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    Jamie. She just did exactly what Jamie killed the Mad King to prevent. I'd be surprised if she is still alive by episode 4 next season.
  6. Ripe


    Aug 28, 2005
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    Armies/navies don't matter... only dragons matter. Three dragons is all her predecessor had when he conquered Westeros. The question is: will she be able to control them? Or will Jon (and the rest of Stark children still alive) use their skinwalking abilities to "steal" those dragons from her.

    Jon and Danny getting married is something that was speculated about for well over a decade now... after all the name of the series is "A Song of Ice and Fire" with assumption being that Jon is "Ice" and Danny is "Fire". As for her being his aunt... well, her parents were brother and sister and traditionally, Targaryen married among themselves.
  7. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    I wouldn't say defaulted as much as having been pushed in that direction.
    I made that leap as well, but it came intuitively, and the show has mocked intuition all along. So now I'm not so certain.
    Someone pointed out that Jon is the Song of Lyanna Stark (Ice) and Rhaegar Targaryen (Fire). That has a nice ring to it. As far as tradition goes, Dany doesn't seem very interested in tradition. She's been shattering tradition at every turn for quite a while now. I see no reason why she would revert to form.
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  8. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    I wouldn't have a problem with that. :lol:

    I doubt they'd be so bold, but who knows? I suspect it won't end to everyone's satisfaction though.
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  9. orwellnelson

    orwellnelson 15 Year Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I tend to agree with Scribe's overall theory -- I think that the resolution to the Iron Throne question will be resolved at the end of the next season. I think Dany takes over -- if you remember, Westeros would have fallen if it weren't for Tyrion's clever use of wildfire, which I believe Cercei used all up in her petty revenge plot. And there are likely a great many soldiers in Westeros who will, deep down, consider Dany the rightful heir to the throne. I suspect the battle will be pretty one-sided (and I expect that The Mountain and Jamie to battle to the death and Tyrion killing Cercei). The next season ends with Dany on the Iron Throne.

    That said, Jon Snow has shown no interest in the Throne. However, I could see Dany deciding she needs to overthrow him as a legitimate threat. I think the final season will end up with Dany and Jon facing off when the Night King finally attacks, leading to them joining forces for the final, great battle.
  10. yucon

    yucon "nice tool, kid" ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun Power Poster

    Jun 6, 2011
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    In the series, Bran is the only skinchanger.

    I think that the Throne will be melted and Dany & Jon will die as the tragic heroes
  11. MadAsAHatter


    Sep 24, 2012
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    i'm really curious about how they are going have jon find out he is a targaryen. its not like bran can just arrive back winterfell and say i had a magic vision about who your real parents were.
  12. Rated R

    Rated R

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I can't get this season's finale out of my head. So good. The opening 25 minutes was one of the best sequences the show has done yet even if it contained my beloved Margaery's final scene. The staging, editing, music, performances. All brilliant. I've been listening to a lot of the soundtracks as part of a my season ending withdrawal.

    All hail King Ramin Djawadi
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  13. arrogantamb


    Jan 6, 2016
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    I think the Night King attacks and the Wall falls when Bran and the King's mark cross south and break the magic in the Wall, which could come soon into next season, but I generally agree with the above.

    I'm also wondering when someone reminds Dany that she's gotten away with buffet-style abolition so far, but the traditions of the monarchy and liege lords are themselves constricting, if not a form of slavery itself. If GoT ends with what's left of the larger and the smaller houses writing up a Magna Carta, I'm going to shit a brick.
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  14. Ripe


    Aug 28, 2005
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    The thing is, if Rhaegar married Lyanna (more then likely considering Targaryen ignored most of the marriage rules) that would make Jon a legitimate Heir to the Iron Throne. Someone who have a greater claim to the throne then Danny. So while Danny is shattering tradition every step of the way she also showed that she is willing to do what it takes to "win". Marrying Jon might be a means to an end: restoration of Targaryen family on the Iron Throne.

    Not to mention that it would make for a nice sort of a paralel to the first time Targaryen conquered Westeros since back then it was Aegon I who came with his two sisters/wives and three dragons. This time it would be Danny, her nephew and three dragons.
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  15. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    If Rhaegar married Lyanna in a secret ceremony there will be a record of it at the Citadel, where Sam will discover it. One way or another Sam will return with some key information. Otherwise his story arc is pointless.
    I think (for now) some version of this is most likely. When the series ends it will have to end with some sort of conclusion that satisfies a majority of people, otherwise bad word of mouth will ruin DVD sales.
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  16. over_drive


    Sep 21, 2014
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    i bet his sword is somehow important
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  17. Ripe


    Aug 28, 2005
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    I think I posted this before but we had been warned... repeatedly:

    Besides, this day and age I don't think it's possible to create an ending to a show that would satisfy majority of people. At least I can't remember a show that succeeded at that.
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  18. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    I'd say that's a given.
    This may be the only show in history where it's possible to murder everyone and leave it at that. :lol:
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  19. Uncle_Rigs

    Uncle_Rigs ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    Well technically going by the Westeros legal system, the Baratheons won the throne by force so they were the royal family, technically removing all legals claims the Targaryans had to it, the same way Cersei just did it. I'm not saying Jon and company won't have support or followers, just not an explicit legal claim to the throne. There could maybe have been an argument made if Cersei didn't do what she did since I think all the Baratheon heirs were gone, so in the search for a new royal line someone like Jon's claim could have entertained.
  20. Ripe


    Aug 28, 2005
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    That is true but she is calling herself "Daenerys of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm" claiming Robert and everyone else are usurpers so having another Targaryen with greater claim to the Iron Throne then her present her with a problem and a dilemma. One that could be easily resolved by marrying such claimant (provided he can prove who he really is).

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