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The Attention Deficit Disorder Thread

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by J3scribe, Apr 25, 2008.


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  5. Jack is the true master of this thread!!

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  1. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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  2. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    what do you mean.. knock and explain to you that they want to share jesus with you
    yup, i had this little old lady, baptist, that would come by about once every three months, i would chat a bit with her, she would remind me i should attend church, i would explain im not taking sides and as soon as i walk in a church ive committed, and im no so sure the baptist are righter than the catholics. i had quite a few people knock, mostly Jehovah witnesses and Mormons. i liked the Mormons, they were offering even more books of the bible, i told him, damn thats good, with you i get more for the same price... himmm but alas, never did commit.
  3. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    A lot of it is that......a lot of it is just mindless hate and violence.
  4. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Oh please.....it's never about that......countries with harsher gun laws have far far lesser crime rates than the US.
  5. mokkoriman

    mokkoriman Cunninglinguist ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Damn... he loaded and packed his own ammo?! Serious gun lover there... pretty dangerous to do that and you're right, you will wear your gun out real fast doing that - not to mention the danger blowing up a chamber if you're half a gram off.
  6. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    yes, i recall, WTFazzhole was telling me its not very gun friendly there
    i starting in AZ, it very gun freindly there, then moved to indiana, its almost a prerequisite you own a gun to buy a house there, and here in OHIO i suppose ive not found out yet

    but as far as the Fed is concerned, its pretty much open season.. so to speak.
  7. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    agreed, but i mean what are ya gonna do.. playa's gonna hate...

    sure, there are a lot of countries that have much less crime per person tha... wait.. who?
    Britain has crime on par with us, they only have 20 million people, india's crime is well past ours i would imagine from what youve told me its just nobody is willing to report it or worse scared cause it was the officials that committed the crime, so .. hmmm perhaps Saudia Arabia .. they have low crime, but then they tend to like chop off body parts..
    my point is, as much personal wealth as Americans have per capita, in relevance to the rest of the world were not to awful. homicides are way down, even petty robberies are way down. of late in fact the criminals that are stealing the most from us.. are from over seas via our credit cards and bank accounts. i would hazard a guess that dollar wise, thats were the problem is. but then im just guessing all way round here.

    actuly its not very had to do at all, i have a friend that packs his own all the time, it runs him about 10 to 15 cents a round. he packs what is specified for that round and i feel, and its just me, that his rounds seem a bit more accurate, mind you i fire Wolf brand so that might be why. Wolf is not a very high quality round most of the time its bargain basement.
  8. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    i feel pretty damn safe most every day, and that comes from a white male living in an all black part of toledo that is more or less very low income and should by all stereotypes be a high crime area.
    ive not seen a police car on my street in teh time ive been here. i have witnessed some domestic issues, but hell ive never lived anyplace were you didnt have some drunk fuck on his lawn screaming at the wrong house cuase the doors locked. so.. yea. trust me, its not bad
    but then it aint all great either.

    i do wonder sometimes if the reason nobody messes with me is exactly because im the only white guy on my street.
    they look and think, damn he must know some shit, leave his ass alone.
  9. mokkoriman

    mokkoriman Cunninglinguist ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Going to grab dinner, been delightful folks. Check ya later. :bye:
  10. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I'm not sure how trust worthy these statistics are....but still :


  11. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Later Mokk. :bye:
  12. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    night dood

    jack we are one of the most wealthiest and the most heavily armed societies on earth

    were going to have higher crime than anybody else just becouse we are one of the wealthiest. that is just a fact.

    in half the countries there isnt enough food, so someone getting there ford stolen isnt really a problem,

    add guns and you have an even bigger chance for things to go every pear shaped fast

    point is, all things considered, were not doing to bad at all.
  13. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Wasn't that my point?

    That guns only add to the crime rate and not help it.
  14. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    and lastly on this point then i must retire for the night

    the second nation on that list.. Great Britain
    it is completly illegal to even own a gun there without very special permission
    that means every one of those 6000 plus crimes were done with illegal weapons

    so that law didint work at all over 6000 times

    they only have like 20 million souls or so....
    we have over 300 million but are only twice as many statistically speaking
    to be equal to GB we would have to up our total to over 90 thousand incidents with guns
    or about 8 and a half times what we are right now. ... per person.

    yes if i had my choice, i would say the chances of bumping into a moving bullet is far less likely here than in great britian

    its simple math really, do you agree

    and night dood, im off.
    thanks for chatting.
  15. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Yup, you have a point. :yup:
    brothergrims likes this.
  16. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    apparently not, considering our populatoin and the amount of wealth to be stolen, i think were pretty low on the crime side. but then im not a professional in these things

    all ill say is that if i walked into a store and some jackass had his gun out and was about to rob the place, (he is breaking the law, he dont care about the gun law either so the gun was part of this no matter what the law says) i would much rather be armed and be able to equal the discussion than to walk into the same store and only have philosophical ideology to use as protection.

    i used to think no person should ever have a gun outside of officials. now i think it should be mandatory for all men to carry a weapon whenever they leave home
    after about a two week period of Darwin style heard thinning,... this place would be a far better place.
  17. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    sorry jack i have to sleep now
    night dood. have a great day
    ill chat again soon.
  18. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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    No he doesn't, he totally garbled that. What jumped out at me was that of the 11.8 million crimes only 9300 were murders by gun. That's a far cry worse percentage wise than the UK's 14 vs 6.5 million crimes but still quite respectable compared than South Africa's 31 thousand murders vs 2.6 million crimes overall. They have 1/6 of our population, so there's a lot of shit going on down there. The UK has 1/5 of our population so they don't have much to crow about either. If you start adding up all the crimes for the European Union, which has a comparable population to that of the USA, I think you'll find that your more likely to be a crime victim in Europe than in the US. As far as the number of murders go in this country, the vast majority of them involve people who know one another. Crimes of passion and gang related deaths at the top of the heap. It's not very common to hear about a perfect stranger killing a perfect stranger. Just doesn't happen much. The most common scenario for that is armed robbery gone bad.
    brothergrims likes this.
  19. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I was wondering about the population ratio......but I didn't have the time to factor that in then....plus I suck at maths.
  20. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I'm totally opposed to people owing guns......as I said earlier....it can pretty much only be used to destroy..........and I think the simple fact of owning a gun and using a gun even to shoot cans etc. promotes violence.......................but then again........isn't that what some people say about alcohol and weed...........which I'm totally for...........and the arguments I had for those.......also work for gun ownership........hm....so now I don't feel right opposing it......but I still don't like it.
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