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The Attention Deficit Disorder Thread

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by J3scribe, Apr 25, 2008.


What is your opinion of this thread?

Poll closed Jan 27, 2012.
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  4. Scribbles is a fuckin' genius for creating it!

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  5. Jack is the true master of this thread!!

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  1. mokkoriman

    mokkoriman Cunninglinguist ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Happy Humpday to you all. :wavey:

    Merls, you lose a bet or something? ;)
  2. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Not much, yourself?
  3. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    how ya doing

    oh im working on drawing something called a braced wall

    i was listening to a radio show about the presidential race.
    i think its funny that my country is pushing to the right again after what he right caused just 4 years ago
    you think your country is off.
  4. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    how ya doing

    oh im working on drawing something called a braced wall

    i was listening to a radio show about the presidential race.
    i think its funny that my country is pushing to the right again after what he right caused just 4 years ago
    you think your country is off.
  5. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Every political party here is corrupt....there was a big big campane (big enough to get international recognition).......set to stop corruption by passing a bill that held everybody from the President down to the lower level Government employees punishable for corruptible........the government only agreed to pass the bill if the upper ranks were not included........the issue is still going on.
  6. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Every political party here is corrupt....there was a big big campane (big enough to get international recognition).......set to stop corruption by passing a bill that held everybody from the President down to the lower level Government employees punishable for corruptible........the government only agreed to pass the bill if the upper ranks were not included........the issue is still going on.
  7. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    i heard about that, i also heard its not dead, that there is a real push to get those reforms through, the issue was put that other counties are pushing to get some reform there. i think the government there is really faced with no options, they do have to change, and the last thing they want is a proper uprising of the young unemployed like we have here.

    but there is a difference when the government im voting in effects so many people that dont even live here.
    i mean ask a person in one of the many third world nations we kick around like they are our toys if they want some guy that doesnt really support human rights if they are not Christians.

    has there ever been any type of a demonstration or uprising?
  8. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    i seem to be in a proper fowl mood tonight
    just frustrated

    i need a good story
    jack tell me a story

    i want it to be about two guys in a pickup trying to drive across India and looking for a fuel station becouse they are running low.

  9. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Okay, I'll try....hmm
  10. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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  11. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Once two guys...one an older gentlemen from the US and the other a young British elitist decided to tour India in a cool jeep......after hours of driving through the country....often finding themselves behind large dirty trucks that dripped water from all corners and were driven by men who' intellect cannot even be compared to that of a hummingbird............and buses filled to the brim....and then some with immigrants (some legal the others from weird neighoubering countries like Bangladesh)....were driving speedily along the highways and mountain roads.....the driver either not bothered with the apparent risk of toppling the bus over or just not compent enough to realize that it was a possibility.........some of these travelers were oddly jovial.....as if hanging of the side of the bus along country roads was a cause to sing songs and wave at passing cars.........the others had the look of vacancy about them.........that blank look born from knowing nothing and having the capability to know very little........still the US gentleman and the young British lad were somewhat enjoying their drive....breathing in the fresh air that arived at intervals between the churning factory smoke and the exhaust fumes of passing trucks and buses.....
    brothergrims likes this.
  12. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    .........soon they came across a police barricade.....here the police had stopped a passing bus and made all the passengers inside have sex with their relatives.....the tow men were briefly stopped here by constables but after they found out that the two men were not related in any way they let them pass and went back to watching their orgy.....they two men drove off quickly....but only then realized that their jeep was low on fuel....
    brothergrims likes this.
  13. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    There have been peaceful protests and hungry strikes.....it won't lead to anything...I grantee you.
  14. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    Older Gentlmen: Why the fuck did we come here'

    British elitist: you wanted to see the birth of a super power

    OG: well i think we just drove over the afterbirth

    Be: I told you i wanted to go extreme four by four-ing in london, that would have been better than this!

    OG: really london, when would we put the truck in four wheel drive, to exit the M1 when it was stopped dead at lunch.. no thank, this will get better, i know it will, lets head to Pune, i hear there is always somethign poping there.

    Be: i dont care where we go i want to go home, i miss my cat, why couldnt i bring him

    OG: he pissed on the carpet last time, by the way, how much snow do they get here?

    Be: how should i know, im not from here, its india, i dont think they get snow it think some brown shit falls down from the sky and they call it snow, its probably not even slippery

    OG: Poone.... i like the name of that town, maybe we can find you some there

    Be: Some what?

    OG: Poon, its slang for pussy. you know... Girls?

    Be: i wanna cup of tea,
    J3scribe and Jack Tripper like this.
  15. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    thats story is going in a very odd direction

    but i like the part when they let the tow truck go because they werent related.

  16. brothergrims

    brothergrims gone

    Jun 12, 2006
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    im off.
    night folks

    have a phun tyme at the beach jack.
  17. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    By the way.........cops really do that.....they make people have sex with parents etc.....there have been lots of reports about that.
  18. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    Good night Grims. :bye:
  19. Jack Tripper

    Jack Tripper I don't know. ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Jan 2, 2009
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    .....after a while the fuel gauge ran down to empty and they were forced to stop....but luckily there were near a pit stop by on the highway....here there was a lovely little restaurant that comprised of several metal plants and wooden boards arranged together to form a sort of dwelling....there was a cook.....a shirtless man who stop in the corner making some sort of fired appetizers in a rusted iron pot....which seemed as stained with food as it was with rust.....the plates were either a cheap steal ones....which the busboy washed in the nearby stream.....in which he also bathed and urinated......or plates made of newspaper....which after using one could simply let drop on to the ground.....or, if one was overly hygienic...go throw it in a corner......the customers were the usually truck drivers and bus drivers happily chatting away on makeshift tables while eating with their bare hands.....but that was in keeping with the tradition of the place because the cook to was mincing and patting and kneading with his bare hands.... occasionally stopping to starch himself.....the two men asked if there was a petrol station near by and were directed to place a little further on......
    brothergrims likes this.
  20. J3scribe

    J3scribe we are devo BANNED ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ten Years of Phun

    Apr 24, 2008
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